Automate Web Security with the Advanced XSS Detection Tool

Automate and elevate your web security testing with the most advanced XSS detection tool on the market.

xss0r heading logo

Why Choose Our XSS Tool?

Advanced Features

Detection & Innovation

Zero False Positives
Unique Innovation
Flexible Detection Modes
GET and POST Request Analysis with Cookie Support
DOM-Based XSS Detection
Path-Based Analysis
Support for JSON Web Apps
Extension-Based XSS Detection
Accurate Detection Algorithms
BlindXSS with All Features Included
Automated Crawling Links & Forms
Injecting BlindXSS Payload in Headers
Reflection Checker
Automated User-Interactions Payloads Triggering
Fuzzing Capabilities

Scanning & Efficiency

Scans 2500 payloads on 1 URL in only 15 seconds
Automated Scanning
Stealth Mode
Unlimited API requests
Over 3500 Encoded Payloads + Private xss0r Payloads
Multi-threading with Unlimited Speed on Threads
Customizable Delay
Automation Crawling and Injecting Payloads
Automating Blind XSS Payloads in Headers
Automating Form Finder and Saver
Rapid Deployment
High Performance
Stealth (low,medium,high) - Adjusts the stealth mode level to evade WAFs and security filters
User-Agent - Specify custom user agent
Save - Saves current scanning session

Configuration & Customization

Customizable Payloads
Support for Various Web Technologies
Easy Configuration
Suffix & Prefix Customization
Unlimited Custom Payload List Loading
One Result Option
Resume Scan Functionality
Limit Requests

Crawling & Injection

Crawling Capabilities
Resuming Scan
Fuzzing Capabilities

Reporting & Export

Exportable Reports
Advanced Search and Filter Options

Security & Reliability

All WAF Bypass Capabilities
Secure and Reliable
Continuous Updates
CSP Bypass


Technical Support 24/7
Live Chat Support 24/7
eBook with Practical Examples
Mastering XSS & Blind XSS: Hands-on Labs and Real-World Exploits
Instructional Videos

Trusted software

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./xss0r --get --urls urls.txt --payloads payloads.txt --shuffle --threads 15
URLs count: 1
Payloads count: 2856
Total injected urls: 2856

How It Works - step 1

Running the tool xss0r

Managing GET requests with xss0r is straightforward, similar to other commands. For a GET request on a URL, the tool requires a query parameter (e.g., =). Any query with a value is sufficient, as xss0r automatically detects and processes all query parameters in the URL.

Multiple Queries: If the URL contains multiple queries, xss0r sends payloads to each query individually.

Single Query: If there is only one query, all payloads will target that specific query.

Given a query like artist=1, xss0r will replace the value 1 with XSS payloads to test for vulnerabilities.

xss0r runs on both GET and POST requests, providing an efficient scanning process by analyzing request headers and responses. It employs various advanced techniques to bypass modern WAFs, ensuring thorough security testing. The tool meticulously scans each parameter without missing any potential injection point, guaranteeing comprehensive XSS detection.

How It Works - step 2

Scanning urls with payloads

Once the command is executed, xss0r initiates the scan. During the process, the following information will be displayed:

Confirmed Alerts: Successful detections will be highlighted in green, confirming that the tool has identified a potential XSS vulnerability.

Payload Details: The specific payload used for the detection will be shown.

Targeted URL: The exact URL where the payload was tested will be listed.

Page Title: The title of the target page will be displayed for context.

WAF Detection: If any Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) are identified, they will be reported. This real-time feedback ensures you have complete visibility over the scanning process, helping you track payload performance and security obstacles efficiently.

How It Works - step 3

Opening  Report

Within seconds, a detailed HTML report will be generated, providing essential information about the detected vulnerabilities:

Screenshot: A snapshot of the affected page for visual confirmation.

Payload Used: The exact payload that was deployed.

Affected URL: A clickable link to the targeted URL, allowing you to verify the vulnerability firsthand.
Additionally, a professionally generated report can be downloaded in PDF, CVS and JSON formats, ensuring a comprehensive XSS report for your company. The JSON format allows for seamless integration into your business security workflows and automation tasks.

Check report file

Our pricing

Affordable Pricing That Works For Everyone

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Try xss0r Tool for Free – Limited Time Offer

To explore the tool before purchase, you can request a free 48-hour license key by completing a form with your company details. This opportunity allows you to evaluate its features and experience its full capabilities firsthand. Please note that DEMO bookings are reserved exclusively for business companies with registered service emails and are not available to individuals.

tool comparison

Unmatched XSS Testing Capabilities with the xss0r Tool

Injects payloads into every parameter
GET request with cookie support
POST request with cookie support
PATH request support
Unlimited custom payload list loading
Reflection checker
Private xss0r payloads
All WAF bypass payloads
Blind XSS with all features included (automatic form/link crawling, BlindXSS injection, Telegram notifications)
Only alerts mode
Suffix and prefix customization
Support for JSON web applications
Support for multipart web applications
One result option
Resumes can functionality
Limit requests
User-interaction payloads automated triggering
CSP bypass
Unlimited threading speed
eBook with practical examples
Instructional videos
Costum User-Agent
Hands-on Labs and Real-World Exploits
Save Session
24/7 Live Chat Support
24/7 Technical Support

xss0r Tool

Injects payloads into every parameter
GET request with cookie support
POST request with cookie support
PATH request support
Private xss0r payloads
All WAF bypass payloads
Unlimited custom payload list loading
Blind XSS with all features included (automatic form/link crawling, BlindXSS injection, Telegram notifications)
Reflection checker
Only alerts mode
Suffix and prefix customization
Support for JSON web applications
Support for multipart web applications
One result option
Resumes can functionality
Limit requests
User-interaction payloads automated triggering
CSP bypass
Unlimited threading speed
eBook with practical examples
Instructional videos
24/7 Live Chat Support
24/7 Technical Support
24/7 Technical Support
24/7 Technical Support
24/7 Technical Support
24/7 Technical Support
24/7 Technical Support

Other XSS Tools

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an XSS tool, and why do penetration testers utilize it?

An XSS tool is designed to identify Cross-Site Scripting vulnerabilities in web applications. Penetration testers employ these tools to detect security weaknesses that may enable attackers to inject malicious code, thereby enhancing the overall security posture of web applications.

What types of XSS vulnerabilities does the tool detect?

Our tool detects a range of XSS vulnerabilities, including reflected, stored, DOM-based, path-based, blind XSS, as well as vulnerabilities in both GET and POST requests.

How do I customize the payloads?

Our user-friendly interface enables you to effortlessly modify existing payloads or create custom payloads tailored to specific testing scenarios.

Are there any new improvements for WAF bypass?

Yes! We’ve made significant improvements:
+300 new payloads have been added to every plan.
Golden and Business plans now include
500+ new payloads, covering a wide variety of WAFs.
New Fuzzing Feature: This feature performs static analysis based on page source reflection and allowed characters. It generates and automates payloads intelligently, using only the characters allowed by the target application.
Clickable Payloads: xss0r V3 introduces a feature for payloads requiring user interaction, such as <ClickME> buttons. The tool automatically performs POST requests with these payloads, clicks on them, and completes all actions on your behalf.

Is there a trial version available?

Yes, we offer a DEMO service that clients can request at any time, allowing for a 5-day testing period. Additionally, we provide a free access key for new users on the 10th to 15th of every month, enabling them to test the tool before making a purchase, specifically for the PRO plan.

Can xss0r analyze JSON web applications?

Yes, xss0r supports JSON web applications, allowing for detailed testing of JSON payloads and data structures.

What are the advanced search and filter options in xss0r?

xss0r offers advanced search and filter capabilities, allowing users to quickly locate specific vulnerabilities and tailor their testing approach.

What is Blind XSS, and how is it implemented in xss0r?

xss0r now includes Blind XSS functionality, allowing automated testing of reflected vulnerabilities over time. It sends payloads to trigger XSS even in delayed interactions.

Does xss0r V3 support macOS and other Linux distributions?

Yes! xss0r V3 fully supports macOS, Ubuntu (latest version), and is compatible with all Linux platforms.

How does the new crawler feature enhance testing?

The built-in crawler searches through HTML, XML, and JS tags to discover URLs. It also identifies input forms, such as usernames, feedback, and comment fields, and can automatically submit Blind XSS payloads using the new --spray feature.

Where is the API key sent, and how can I add my API key?

When purchasing any XSS Plan, please use a valid email address during registration. API access will be provided within 6 to 12 hours after purchase, though it often arrives sooner. The xss0r tool will be accessible after purchasing a plan, and the API key will be sent to the registered email. If you do not receive your API access within 12 hours, please reach out directly through Support Chat or X.

What new features are included in the V3 version of xss0r?

Introducing xss0r V3:
Session Control: Save (--save) and resume (--resume) your scanning sessions. Custom Headers: Use a custom User-Agent with --user-agent.
Stealth Modes: Bypass modern WAFs with low/medium/high --stealth settings.
Plan Status: Check your current plan features with --status.
ClickMe Automation: Trigger clickable payload techniques using the ClickMe Keyboard Press.
Enhanced BlindXSS: New and improved BlindXSS capabilities.
Updated Chrome: Better performance with the latest Chrome version.
Fresh Look: A new logo marks the updated design.
Experience a faster, smarter, andmore customizable scanning tool with xss0r V3!

What are the complete features of BlindXSS in xss0r?

Blind XSS in xss0r now offers automatic crawling of forms onwebsites, spraying Blind XSS payloads, and saving any triggeredpayloads directly to your account with Telegram notifications. Italso supports injection of Blind XSS payloads in the user-agentheader, capturing all discovered links for manual inspection.Email-specific payloads target only email fields, and Blind XSSdorking has been added for deeper exploration. Additionally, testpages are provided for learning and practicing Blind XSS techniques.Telegram and Email Notifications Event Payloads for Account Takeover New Features:
All Cookies (Non-HttpOnly): Collects all accessible cookies that are not flagged as HttpOnly for analysis and debugging. Referrer Information: Retrieves the referring URL to identify the source of traffic to the page.
IP Address of the Target Client: Captures the public IP address and provides approximate location details, including city, region, and country.
Browser Language Information: Detects the browser's language settings to support localization and customization.
Browser Name and Version: Identifies the browser name and version using the User-Agent string.
Screenshot of DOM Structure: Generates a visual screenshot of the current DOM structure for debugging and reporting purposes. Screen Resolution: Collects the screen resolution and window size of the client’s device.
Graphics Card Information: Retrieves detailed GPU information, including vendor and renderer.
Battery Status: Tracks the device’s battery level and charging status when supported by the browser.
Network Information: Captures the network type (e.g., Wi-Fi, 4G) and downlink speed. Local Storage and Session Storage: Extracts data stored in the client’s local and session storage.
Form Inputs: Collects values from all form inputs, including text fields, text areas, and dropdowns, on the page.
Page Metadata: Gathers essential page metadata, including the page title, URL, and full HTML structure.
Plugins and Mime Types: Retrieves a list of installed browser plugins and supported MIME types.
Admin Panel Accessibility Check: Attempts to access the /admin endpoint to verify if it is accessible and logs the response status.
API Key Discovery in Scripts: Scans all script files loaded on the page to identify potential API keys in their content.